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General Anxiety Disorders


"I transformed my negative outlook into positivity, enabling me to face challenges and inspire others.''

Gus now faces challenges head on and secured a new job


"Working with Stacey has completely transformed my life. Before I started hypnotherapy with her, I viewed life's challenges and opportunities with a negative outlook, which left me feeling anxious and unhappy. I knew that I needed to make a change in order to become a more positive and inspiring person.

From the very first session, Stacey helped me to form positive habits that have completely changed the way I think, interact, and live my life. Thanks to her expertise and guidance, I now approach everything in my life with a more optimistic outlook, which has made me happier, more confident, and better equipped to face any challenges that come my way.

Not only have I seen a significant improvement in my personal life, but Stacey's hypnotherapy sessions have also had a positive impact on my professional life. I'm now able to handle any confrontations or issues that may arise in the workplace with ease, something that I couldn’t do prior to seeing Stacey.

If you're considering trying out hypnotherapy, I can't recommend Stacey enough. She is incredibly professional yet approachable, which makes it easy to discuss anything that's on your mind. After just a few sessions with her, I felt like a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and some of the elements of our hypnotherapy sessions have become part of my everyday routine.

Overall, working with Stacey has been a life-changing experience for me, and I'm grateful for all that she's done to help me become a happier, more positive person. Thank you, Stacey!"


"I was stuck in a cycle of stress and binge eating, Stacey helped me transform my life, improving my sleep, mindfulness, and overall well-being."

Tia is now in full control of her eating habits


"Before I started hypnotherapy with Stacey, I was feeling stuck in a cycle of stress and anxious thoughts that seemed impossible to break. My relationship with food and binge eating was controlling my life, and negatively impacting my self-esteem and overall well-being.

But after just a few sessions with Stacey, I started to see significant changes in my life. I am now able to sleep better and feel more aware of my thoughts and feelings. Thanks to Stacey's guidance, I have developed better routines and have even incorporated mindful eating into my life. I now think carefully about the foods I eat and how they make me feel afterwards, which has been a game changer for me in terms of weight management.

If you're considering hypnotherapy, I highly recommend taking the leap. I was initially worried about falling asleep and not being aware of what was happening during the session, but Stacey made me feel completely comfortable and safe throughout the entire experience. After ten sessions over three months, I can
confidently say that Stacey has had a huge positive impact on not only my relationship with food, but on all areas of my life.

Working with Stacey has been a deep, relaxing experience that has helped me to break free from negative thought patterns and feel more in control of my life. She is a trustworthy and professional hypnotherapist who has helped me to transform my life for the better. Thank you, Stacey!"


"Life changing! From anxiety and negativity to confidence, positivity, better sleep, and my dream job."

Eleni got her groove back and landed her dream job

‘’My life was a constant struggle before working with Stacey. I had lost my confidence, felt unhappy, and had a negative outlook on life. But after just a few sessions of solution-focused hypnotherapy with Stacey, I was able to turn my life around in ways I never thought possible.

Through her guidance and expertise, Stacey helped me overcome my anxiety, eliminate stress, and find a renewed sense of positivity and happiness in my daily life. She helped me discover my true self and embrace the present moment, leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Since working with Stacey, I have achieved so much - I'm sleeping better, feeling calmer, and more positive. My negative thoughts have been reduced massively, and I even managed to secure my dream job. I can honestly say that Stacey's hypnotherapy sessions have been life-changing for me.

To anyone considering working with Stacey, I highly recommend her. Her solution-focused hypnotherapy approach is incredibly effective, and her positive impact on my life has been immeasurable. I now believe in myself and my capabilities, and I know that I have Stacey to thank for that. Thank you, Stacey!"

Eleni, london


"Hypnotherapy transformed my life! I regained balance, learnt to manage stress, sleep better and found motivation to do what I love."

Rachel conquered life's challenges and became a skilled driving instructor

"If you're feeling constantly stressed and tired like I was, I highly recommend giving hypnotherapy a try. Before I started working with Stacey, I was really struggling to manage my stress levels and get a good night's sleep. I knew I needed to do something to take control of my life again.

Since working with Stacey, things have completely turned around for me. I've been able to get balance back in my life, cope better with day-to-day challenges and my sleep pattern improved. Now, I'm able to focus on the positives in my day-to-day life, and it's given me the motivation to get back to doing the things I love.

Plus, hypnotherapy even helped me through a big life change - training to be a driving instructor and thanks to Stacey's support, I was able to manage it with ease. I also picked up my fitness routine again and am back in the gym daily, feeling better than ever.

Honestly, if you're considering hypnotherapy, I would say go for it! I would 100% recommend hypnotherapy to anyone feeling like I did. It really works. It’s made such a difference for me, and I feel like my old self again.
Stacey is amazing at what she does, and she'll help you stay focused on achieving your goals. I still use the night-time recording to help me relax and get a good night's sleep - it's seriously worked wonders for me.

If you're struggling with stress, lack of sleep, or just finding it hard to cope with life, Stacey can help you take
 back control and feel like your old self again."



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"Working with Stacey and experiencing Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is unlike any other therapy."

Amy went from constant chaos and stress to confidence and contentment

"Prior to starting hypnotherapy, my life lacked structure and routine, leading to a constant state of chaos. Despite my generally positive outlook, I struggled with the stress and challenges I faced, feeling as though I was merely going through the motions without achieving anything meaningful.

Seeking a solution, I turned to hypnotherapy to address my confidence issues, both personally and professionally.
I longed to overcome the fears and anxieties instilled in me by a previous relationship and find a renewed sense of purpose in my life.

Since embarking on this transformative journey, my life has taken a remarkable turn. I now have so much confidence in my abilities and feel a deep contentment within myself, mentally and physically. I’ve discovered my identity and become more self-assured.

To anyone considering hypnotherapy with Stacey, I encourage you to take the leap. It will undoubtedly be the best investment you make. Stacey's approach helps you focus on yourself and embrace the positives in life. She has a unique ability to enhance your sense of purpose, enabling personal growth
and progress.

Working with Stacey and experiencing Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is unlike any other therapy. It’s gentle yet incredibly effective, with noticeable results not only for me but also for those around me. The transformation I’ve experienced is profound, and I am immensely grateful for the guidance and expertise Stacey provided
throughout this journey."



"Online hypnotherapy changed my life. I beat depression, lost weight and gained confidence."

From depression and anxiety to a positive, "do it now" mentality.

"Life was often marked by depression and anxiety, making it challenging to enjoy each day to the fullest. My intense anxiety was casting a shadow over my overall well-being, and I knew I needed a change.

I turned to hypnotherapy with Stacey to address my severe anxiety issues and regain a more positive outlook on life. Through our sessions, I've achieved amazing progress. I've become more positive and have learned to focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

One of the great things about working with Stacey is the convenience of online hypnotherapy. It allows me to schedule sessions that work for my busy life, making it something to look forward to.

During our sessions, Stacey not only helped me with anxiety but also helped me to develop a fitness routine and adopt healthier eating habits. As a result, I lost a significant amount of weight, shedding one stone, and this transformation also improved my mindset. I gained the confidence to set boundaries in both my work and personal relationships.

The nightly sleep relaxation techniques Stacey taught me led to a big improvement in my sleep quality. This newfound positivity and confidence have spilled over into my personal and work life, with others noticing the difference. I've reduced negative thoughts, sleep better, and have developed a "do it now" attitude, focusing on solutions rather than problems. The importance of maintaining a good routine has become clear to me, serving as a motivating force in my life.

Stacey's guidance has had a huge impact on my overall well-being, and I highly recommend her and the benefits of solution focused hypnotherapy. It has transformed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined."





“I make smarter decisions, my emotions feel more balanced and I feel good for the majority of days. My social life is starting to
 exist now.”

I’ve achieved so much! Just feeling able to get up in the morning and feel more positive. 

"I was sleeping on and off for maybe 4-5 hours per night for the last I'd say 3-4 years.
I couldn't switch my brain off to sleep because all I could hear was my stomach making various noises all night. I often woke up and couldn't get to sleep once I heard my stomach growling at me. I wanted to feel rested. I spent the last few years in a state of constant dark clouds and just about staying afloat.

Since having hypnotherapy with Stacey I’ve achieved so much! Just feeling able to get up in the morning and feel more positive. I've started thinking ahead and thinking about what the future looks like, which has been something I haven't been able to do for many years. I make smarter decisions, my emotions feel more balanced and I feel good for the majority of days. My social life is starting to exist now.

For anyone thinking of having hypnotherapy with Stacey, If you're like me and you feel like you're constantly in a bad place and sleep is affecting you, give it a go and be open to try new ways to help yourself. Don't listen to other people. Experience it for yourself and make your own judgement. At first I was a little reluctant about online hypnotherapy, but It worked for me.

What stuck with me from working with Stacey is how important sleep is in every aspect of life! Reading the recommended book 'why we sleep' whilst going through this process really helped me understand sleep more and how it can benefit you both physically and mentally. My sleep wasn't great and every day I felt like rubbish. Now I feel positive, hopeful, and ready to lead my life finally after years of constant dark clouds.

I’d say be open minded and embrace everything that comes your way. Stacey is a joy to work with and I cannot thank her enough for this positive new lease of life that has come my way. Although I have a long road ahead, it’s now a positive one. Long may it continue!"

MIKE, London 


Smoking & Vaping Cessation


"Hypnotherapy was the first steppingstone to a new direction in life."

ALICE WENT From 'never able to quit' to completley vape free

"I had been struggling with smoking and then vaping for almost 12 years to the point where I thought I would never be able to quit. My addiction was much stronger than any will power but I was determined to give up for good.

I was recommended hypnotherapy with Stacey through a friend, and I can without a doubt say she is the sole reason why I am now two months completely vape free. Stacey is warm and understanding, taking the time to get to know you fully which made me feel very comfortable and like I was speaking with a friend.

Hypnotherapy was the first steppingstone to a new direction in life and I cannot recommend Stacey enough".



"Working with Stacey not only helped me kick the smoking habit but also taught me valuable lessons about myself along the way."

I've Broken Free from Social Smoking and no longer carry the Embarrassment of being a smoker

"Smoking had been a persistent problem for me, a habit I started in my teenage years and struggled to kick for a long time. Despite reducing the amount, I smoked over the years, socialising with friends and drinking alcohol would always trigger the urge to smoke again.

Since having my smoking cessation hypnotherapy, I have achieved what seemed impossible for years—I have successfully stopped smoking for almost 1 month now! Even though I attempted to smoke once after our session, I no longer enjoyed it and felt no need for it, reinforcing my commitment to quit.

I'm proud to say that during social occasions in the past month, I resisted the urge to smoke, and I'm now free from the embarrassment of the habit. Thanks to Stacey, I'm saving money and, most importantly, taking better care of my health.

To anyone considering hypnotherapy with Stacey, I definitely recommend it. Don't hesitate—she creates a comfortable and understanding environment throughout the process. Her expertise and insights into the workings of the mind and addiction were eye-opening and empowering. I wish I had sought her help sooner.

Working with Stacey not only helped me kick the smoking habit but also taught me valuable lessons about myself along the way".

Update 29/03/2024 - 10 months smoke free



Fears & Phobias


"Hypnotherapy is such an easy and effective way to overcome anxieties, including those associated
with phobias."

From years fearing rodents to anxiety-free interaction within days 

My sessions with Stacey centred around helping a phobia I have of rodents, specifically mice and rats. There have been times in my past where I’ve had mice problems in works areas and at home – living in London this was unfortunately not as rare an occurrence as you might think! My reaction has always been disproportionate to the problem, and this has got worse over time. I would feel very anxious during and after I’d seen a rodent. I’d then worry a lot about having another sighting.

I wanted to stop feeling so anxious when I saw rodents and be able to stay calm and collected, and then not dwell on the event after it had occurred.

I thought it would be difficult to put the hypnotherapy to the test as you generally never know when you will see a rodent. However, coincidentally, I saw a mouse the weekend after my sessions had ended. I was in a friend’s garden when I saw the mouse, it was injured and was barely moving. I made myself go over and directly interact with it. I tried to feed it and gave it a little stroke. I felt it was important to interact on such an acute level to test myself and I felt no anxiety.

Stacey made me feel very comfortable and relaxed. She starts by thoroughly explaining how the sessions will work and outlines how the brain functions to explain what hypnotherapy can help with and how it can reprogram your mindset. Hypnotherapy is such an easy and effective way to overcome anxieties, including those anxieties associated with phobias and Stacey delivers it brilliantly. I especially enjoyed the guided mediation which is very relaxing, and I have continued to use since the sessions.

I was sceptical about whether hypnotherapy could work prior to my sessions but it has been extremely effective and can help with such a broad range of negative thought processes.



"Stacey’s sessions including the sleep recording have really helped me with my anxiety as well as the decrease in anxiety around dogs."

Even before the sessions had finished, I remained unfazed when a dog jumped up at me.

"Life before working with Stacey was full of anxiety and overthinking. I was anxious to start hypnotherapy (even though it is something I had wanted to do for a long time) however she spoke through what the sessions would entail and made me feel as ease in the first five minutes.

The problems I wanted solved by hypnotherapy was a phobia of dogs as well as anxiety. Stacey’s sessions including the sleep recording have really helped me with my anxiety as well as the decrease in anxiety around dogs. I even let my neighbour’s dog hop onto my leg which is a huge achievement for me! The sessions online were beneficial as you are in the comfort of your own home.

For anyone thinking of having hypnotherapy with Stacey I would say do it! She has helped me so much and is an amazing therapist."

Mjellma, London 


"I felt as though I was always fully in control of my emotions, and I cannot believe the difference Stacey has made to my fear of flying."

Since the hypnotherapy sessions I have flown to Australia with no airport/preflight anxiety 

"At the start, I must admit that I was a bit sceptical, I didn’t know what to expect. Stacey was very easy to talk to and made the sessions very relaxing helping wipe the negative flying experience memory away and replacing it with a new positive one. Stacey gave a good explanation of the caveman brain and the extinct to fight-or-flight.

 Since the hypnotherapy sessions I have flown to Australia with no airport/preflight anxiety I felt as though I was always fully in control of my emotions, and I cannot believe the difference Stacey has made."

HAYLEy, London 


"The trance aspect of the program became my favourite part, and I still regularly listen to the recordings at bedtime."

I took a flight to Sydney. The difference was huge. I felt calmer and actually enjoyed the entire experience.

"When Stacey and I had our initial session, I was sceptical. However, the experience turned out to be truly transformative. Stacey has a knack for making you feel incredibly at ease and calm, making each session something I looked forward to. Sharing positive experiences from the past week became a highlight for me, and that process has stayed with me.

Our focus was on tackling my fear of flying and airport anxiety, and shortly after our sessions ended, I took a flight to Sydney. The difference was huge. I felt calmer and actually enjoyed the entire experience. Stacey's explanations were thorough, and her calm and patient demeanour made the process much more manageable.

The trance aspect of the program became my favourite part, and I still regularly listen to the recordings at bedtime. Thank you, Stacey!"

RACHEL, London 


"I think Hypnosis that is on TV is just to entertain the audience. What Stacey is doing is really helping people with real problems."

I have been able to get my eyes tested, I am able to read better and clearer and I don’t get anxiety when in crowds. 

"I use my eyes every day, but it was a struggle to read (which I do to relax). I also felt anxious in crowds of people that I do not know, which working in Central London, meant every day. I didn’t realise it all came from the same place. I felt closed in when anything was close to my face or in a crowded place.

I wanted to be able to go get my eyes tested so I could read without straining. I didn’t realise it was a big deal for me, I just thought it was me being silly.

Since working with Stacey, I have been able to get my eyes tested, I am able to read better and clearer and I don’t get anxiety when in crowds. I also feel more confident at work. I feel more confident within myself, to be honest.

At first, I was nervous, but Stacey was amazing, I felt relaxed throughout each session. Trust the process. Some of the sessions made you mention moments that are hard to face, Stacey was great at leading me through those memories, allowing me to feel those feelings.

I think Hypnosis that is on TV is just to entertain the audience. What Stacey is doing is really helping people with real problems.

Online hypnotherapy means I can do it anywhere I feel comfortable.
I was amazed by the brain science. I had no idea all my feelings came from the same place. The primitive space in my brain, my fight or flight response. Having to rest to empty my bucket of stress. It’s amazing.

Not forgetting my sleep improvements. I had restless sleep. I woke up throughout the night. Never had an uninterrupted night’s sleep. Now I sleep soundly again. It feels like I much more rested, I feel like I have more energy.

Stacey was amazing, I was really nervous to do it, Stacey was truly a saint, even if it wasn’t just overcoming my anxiety and struggling to see. It was also the sleep as well. I still listen to the sleep recording now. It just puts you to sleep in a nice mindset.

Stacey, Hertfordshire 


IMPORTANT: Please be advised that hypnotherapy outcomes may vary from client to client. It is important to note that no therapy can guarantee a 100% result. As part of my process, all clients are required to complete a questionnaire during their Initial Consultation to disclose certain medical information before undergoing hypnotherapy. While clinical hypnotherapy is generally safe, we recommend that individuals who are epileptic or undergoing psychiatric treatment obtain a letter from their medical practitioner to confirm their suitability for hypnotherapy.