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Hypnotherapy for confidence

Are you struggling with low confidence or self-esteem that holds you back from reaching your full potential? Do you often doubt yourself or feel inadequate in various aspects of your life?

Hypnotherapy for confidence and self-esteem can help you break free from these limiting beliefs and empower you to embrace a more confident, self-assured version of yourself.

Low confidence and self-esteem can affect many areas of your personal life.

Such issues can impact dating, relationships, and social interactions, making it difficult to form meaningful connections and enjoy social activities.

These challenges can lead to feelings of isolation and unhappiness, further reducing your self-worth.

Professional life

Professionally, low confidence and self-esteem can hinder career growth, limit opportunities, and affect job performance. 

These issues can cause self-doubt and reluctance to take on new challenges, stalling your professional development.

Overcoming these barriers through hypnotherapy can empower you to seize opportunities and excel in your career.

Personal life

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Negative self-talk and deeply ingrained beliefs can significantly impact how you perceive yourself and your abilities. Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind, where these negative patterns reside, and replacing them with positive, empowering thoughts. Through personalised sessions, you will learn to transform your inner dialogue, developing a healthier self-image and greater self-worth.

Every individual’s journey to improved confidence and self-esteem is unique. Hypnotherapy sessions are tailored to your specific needs and experiences, ensuring that we address the root causes of your low self-esteem and build a strong foundation for lasting change.

Whether it's fear of public speaking, social anxiety, or general self-doubt, we will work together to develop strategies that enhance your confidence in all
areas of life.


Here’s what hypnotherapy for confidence can help you achieve:

Overcome the fear of speaking in front of groups, enabling you to deliver presentations confidently and effectively.

Develop a healthier and more positive perception of your body, boosting your self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Reduce anxiety related to performances, whether in sports, music, or other activities, to enhance your ability to perform under pressure.

Learn to express your thoughts and needs clearly and confidently, improving your interactions and relationships.

Replace negative self-talk with empowering and affirming thoughts, encouraging a more positive self-image.

Build the confidence to approach and engage with potential partners, enhancing your dating experiences.

Overcome insecurities and build confidence in intimate relationships, developing deeper connections with your partner.

Reduce anxiety and build confidence for passing driving tests, ensuring you stay calm and focused.

Manage exam stress and boost confidence in your ability to succeed, improving your academic performance.

Enhance your confidence in job interviews, allowing you to present yourself effectively and secure desired job opportunities.

Fears & Phobias

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions we can effectively address your fears head-on. 

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

Fears & Phobias

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions we can effectively address your fears head-on. 

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

Confidence and
Self-esteem pricing

SIX sessions £630

3 Sessions £300

Discover a new level of confidence and self-esteem with my specialised pricing option. Start your journey to greater confidence and self-esteem with a package of six sessions, plus a free initial consultation.

Don't let low confidence and self-esteem hold you back any longer—invest in your well-being today and take the first step towards a future filled with self-assurance and empowerment.

IMPORTANT: Please be advised that hypnotherapy outcomes may vary from client to client. It is important to note that no therapy can guarantee a 100% result. As part of my process, all clients are required to complete a questionnaire during their Initial Consultation to disclose certain medical information before undergoing hypnotherapy. While clinical hypnotherapy is generally safe, we recommend that individuals who are epileptic or undergoing psychiatric treatment obtain a letter from their medical practitioner to confirm their suitability for hypnotherapy.