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Hypnotherapy for phobias

Are you tired of letting fears and phobias dictate your life?

Are you ready to step into a future free from the constraints of these distressing emotions?

Fears and phobias are common experiences that can affect anyone, regardless of age, background, or lifestyle. They arise from a variety of sources, such as past traumatic events, negative associations, or even learned behaviours.

Through personalised hypnotherapy sessions, we delve into your subconscious, uncovering the triggers and thought patterns that fuel your fears. By rewiring these thought processes, we facilitate lasting change from within.

To effectively address phobias, specificity is key. Reshaping a phobia requires the ability to precisely name and categorise it. Specific phobias, such as those involving spiders, needles, heights, confined spaces, and others, benefit from targeted techniques like the ones I offer.

On the other hand, generic fears like fear of darkness, water, or general anxiety can find relief through stress and anxiety reduction sessions. This tailored approach ensures that you receive the most effective tools to conquer specific phobias while also addressing broader anxieties.

I felt closed in when anything was close to my face or in a crowded place.

I wanted to be able to go get my eyes tested so I could read without straining. I didn’t realise it was a big deal for me, I just thought it was me being silly.

Since working with Stacey, I have been able to get my eyes tested, I am able to read better and clearer and I don’t get anxiety when in crowds.

I also feel more confident at work. I feel more confident within myself, to be honest.

Stacey, Hertfordshire



"At first, I was nervous, but Stacey was amazing, I felt relaxed throughout each session. Trust the process."

I can see...

Fears and phobias can significantly impact everyday interactions and quality of life.

Social anxiety may limit community engagement, fear of heights could block enjoyment of family holidays, and general unease in new environments might restrict personal exploration.

Hypnotherapy offers a pathway to overcome these barriers, enabling a more relaxed and engaged approach to life's experiences, building stronger relationships, and embracing new opportunities with confidence.

Professional life

For professionals feeling trapped in their careers,

Underlying fears—such as dread of public speaking or anxiety in social settings—can amplify feelings of being stuck.

Whether it’s a fear of flying that limits business travel or a phobia that stifles growth, hypnotherapy can pave the way for a more positive and confident response to workplace challenges.

Personal life

Rewind and Reframe technique

In the secure environment of hypnosis, the Rewind and Reframe method lets you safely revisit and reassess impactful experiences, altering their emotional grip. By shifting your perspective to a more constructive one, you reduce your reactions to fears or phobias, paving the way for a more fulfilling and liberated life.

Conquering your phobia is achievable with the Rewind and Reframe technique, which offers a holistic approach to overcoming fears.

Here’s how it works:

In a controlled setting, I guide you through the process of revisiting triggering memories, reducing the emotional intensity associated with them.

Once emotions are managed, I help you reinterpret those memories from a new, positive perspective.

This process occurs in a trance-like state, allowing access to the subconscious mind where your phobia template lives. We replace harmful emotions with beneficial ones, leveraging this proven Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique. Not only does it decrease anxiety, but it also encourages positive behavioural changes, strengthens resilience, and arms you with strategies for handling future stressors. This empowers you to face triggers with renewed confidence and resilience.

Typically, conquering fears and phobias requires four one-hour sessions:
Free Initial Consultation
Stress Release Session
Rewind Session
Reframe Session



The Neuroscience of fears and phobias

Fear, a deeply ingrained survival mechanism from our past, triggers the "fight or flight" response through the amygdala—a primal emotional centre in the brain. While once important for safety, many fears have evolved into irrational and unnecessary reactions in our current lives.

These new fears often arise from the clash between ancient instincts and modern challenges. However, understanding these dynamics empowers us to regain control.

Techniques like Rewind and Reframe provide a pathway to modify our responses, freeing us from the grip of needless phobias.

Here’s just a few of the fears and phobias I can work with:

Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)
Are you avoiding certain places and situations to prevent encounters, heightened anxiety, and distress? Conquering arachnophobia can lead to a more relaxed and confident existence, with reduced anxiety in everyday settings.

Acrophobia (Fear of heights)
Are you missing out on activities like scenic viewpoints or air travel, limiting adventurous experiences?
Overcoming acrophobia can open the door to breathtaking experiences, encouraging a sense of freedom and exploration.

Claustrophobia (Fear of confined spaces)
Is you avoidance of enclosed spaces like elevators or tight rooms, impacting work and social interactions? Conquering claustrophobia can enhance daily life by enabling participation in various situations and spaces.

Agoraphobia (Fear of open spaces)
Are you restricting outdoor activities and interactions due to fear of public spaces? Overcoming agoraphobia can lead to increased independence, greater social connections, and a broader range of experiences.

Social Phobia (Social anxiety)
Are you avoiding social gatherings and interactions, hindering career advancement and personal relationships? Conquering social phobia can lead to improved self-esteem, enhanced social interactions, and increased professional opportunities.

Aviophobia (Fear of flying)
Are you missing out on travel opportunities, both personal and professional, due to fear of air travel?
Conquering aviophobia can expand your horizons, allowing you to explore new places and cultures without fear.

Hemophobia (Fear of blood)
Is your avoidance of medical situations, inhibiting proper health care and routine medical check-ups? Overcoming hemophobia can improve your overall well-being by enabling timely medical interventions and reducing anxiety.

Mysophobia (Fear of germs)
Are you excessive hand washing, avoiding public spaces, and have difficulties with personal relationships? Conquering mysophobia can result in improved mental well-being, stronger relationships, and the ability to enjoy everyday activities.

Dentophobia (Fear of dentists)
Are you neglecting oral health due to avoidance of dental visits, leading to potential dental problems?Overcoming dentophobia can lead to better oral health, a brighter smile, and improved confidence in personal appearance.

Ophidiophobia (Fear of snakes)
Are you avoiding outdoor activities and environments where snakes might be present, limiting nature-related experiences? Overcoming ophidiophobia can lead to a deeper connection with nature and a sense of safety in various outdoor settings.

These are just some of the common phobias that are frequently encountered. However, the spectrum of phobias is extensive and diverse.

Some less common phobias include fear of cotton wool (Sidonglophobia), fear of clowns (Coulrophobia), fear of buttons (Koumpounophobia), fear of balloons (Globophobia), and fear of mirrors (Eisoptrophobia).

The human mind can produce unique and complicated fears, making each person's journey towards conquering them a truly individual experience.

Trypanophobia (Injections) or Belonephobia (Fear of Needles)
Putting off important health check-ups, vaccinations, and necessary medical treatments, as well as cosmetic procedures due to a fear of needles. This avoidance can result in broader health and wellness implications. Overcoming trypanophobia or belonephobia can enhance access to a variety of medical and personal care options, ensuring that decisions about health and beauty are not limited by fear, but are made with confidence and comfort.

Fears & Phobias

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions we can effectively address your fears head-on. 

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

Fears & Phobias

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions we can effectively address your fears head-on. 

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

Phobias & Fears pricing

Three sessions £330

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions, plus the free initial consultation, we can effectively address your
fears head-on.

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

I thought it would be difficult to put the hypnotherapy to the test as you generally never know when you will see a rodent. However, coincidentally, I saw a mouse the weekend after my sessions had ended. I was in a friend’s garden when I saw the mouse, it was injured and was barely moving.

I made myself go over and directly interact with it. I tried to feed it and gave it a little stroke. I felt it was important to interact on such an acute level to test myself and I felt no anxiety.

Maxine, London.



"Hypnotherapy is such an easy and effective way to overcome anxieties, including those associated
with phobias."

IMPORTANT: Please be advised that hypnotherapy outcomes may vary from client to client. It is important to note that no therapy can guarantee a 100% result. As part of my process, all clients are required to complete a questionnaire during their Initial Consultation to disclose certain medical information before undergoing hypnotherapy. While clinical hypnotherapy is generally safe, we recommend that individuals who are epileptic or undergoing psychiatric treatment obtain a letter from their medical practitioner to confirm their suitability for hypnotherapy.