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Hypnotherapy for insomnia

Are you struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality?

Do restless nights and constant fatigue interfere with your daily life and overall well-being?

Hypnotherapy for insomnia and sleep issues can help you address the underlying causes of your sleep problems and develop healthier sleep patterns, allowing you to wake up refreshed and energised.

Insomnia and sleep issues can significantly impact your personal life. 

Poor sleep can lead to irritability, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating, affecting your relationships and daily activities.

Constant fatigue can make it hard to enjoy hobbies and spend quality time with loved ones, leading to feelings of frustration and isolation.

Professional life

In the professional realm, insomnia and sleep issues can hinder your productivity, job performance, and career growth. 

Lack of sleep can result in frequent absences, decreased efficiency, and difficulty focusing on tasks. Chronic sleep problems can also increase the risk of burnout and negatively impact your overall job satisfaction.

Hypnotherapy can help you improve your sleep quality, enhancing your professional effectiveness and career satisfaction.

Personal life

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses a combination of psychotherapy techniques and hypnosis to uncover what’s halting your sleep. Through personalised sessions, we’ll put small actions in place to help you develop better routines and reduce stress, promoting more peaceful sleep.

Hypnosis allows us to tap into your subconscious mind, reprogramming unwanted habits and behaviours that may be preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of life; mastering it can lead to improvements in many other areas.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy


Learn about the sleep cycle and how to optimise it for better rest.

Understand and address specific factors that contribute to your sleep issues.

Implement effective techniques to improve your sleep environment and habits.

Incorporate relaxation methods to reduce stress and promote sleep.

Use mindfulness to calm the mind and prepare for restful sleep.


Neuroscience and sleep

Neuroscience is at the heart of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. Understanding the brain’s role in sleep is crucial. The brain regulates the sleep-wake cycle through various mechanisms, including the release of melatonin. During your sessions, you will learn all about the importance of sleep on all areas of life to help you better manage your sleep patterns. Hypnotherapy targets these subconscious processes, helping you rewire your brain to promote better sleep. By addressing issues such as stress and anxiety, hypnotherapy can help restore balance to your sleep patterns.

Here’s some of the benefits of hypnotherapy
for insomnia:

Achieve deeper, more restful sleep.

Decrease the frequency and severity of insomnia.

Develop and maintain healthy sleep habits.

Manage stress and anxiety that interfere with sleep.

Learn techniques to relax your mind and body before bed.

Wake up feeling refreshed and energised.

Regulate your internal clock for consistent sleep patterns.

Experience better mental and physical health through improved sleep.

Fears & Phobias

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions we can effectively address your fears head-on. 

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

Fears & Phobias

3 Sessions £300

Discover freedom from your fears and phobias with this specialised pricing option. In just three sessions we can effectively address your fears head-on. 

Don't let your fears hold you back any longer - invest in your well-being today and unlock a future filled with confidence and empowerment.

Insomnia & Sleep pricing

six sessions £630

3 Sessions £300

Start your journey towards better sleep with a package of six hypnotherapy sessions, plus a free initial consultation.

Don’t let insomnia and sleep issues control your life any longer—invest in your sleep health today and take the first step towards achieving restful, rejuvenating sleep.

IMPORTANT: Please be advised that hypnotherapy outcomes may vary from client to client. It is important to note that no therapy can guarantee a 100% result. As part of my process, all clients are required to complete a questionnaire during their Initial Consultation to disclose certain medical information before undergoing hypnotherapy. While clinical hypnotherapy is generally safe, we recommend that individuals who are epileptic or undergoing psychiatric treatment obtain a letter from their medical practitioner to confirm their suitability for hypnotherapy.